
Negative ion powder is a composite mineral artificially synthesized or proportioned by humans using the principle of producing negative ions in nature. It is generally composed of electrical stone powder+lanthanide elements or rare earth elements. The proportion of rare earth elements is much higher than that of electrical stone powder, with rare earth elements accounting for more than 60%.

Negative ions are known as “air vitamins” in the medical field, and their main functions are manifested in

1. Neurosystem
Negative ions have a sedative effect, which can improve the function of the cerebral cortex, invigorate the mind, eliminate fatigue, improve sleep, enhance appetite, stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, and improve work efficiency.

2. Respiratory system
Improve lung function, accelerate the movement of respiratory fibrous hair tissue, increase respiratory coefficient (increase oxygen absorption by 20%, CO2 excretion by 14.5%), strengthen ciliary movement of tracheal mucosal epithelium, increase glandular secretion, and promote the regeneration of nasal mucosal epithelial cells, restoring the secretion function of mucus.

3. Metabolism
Negative ions have a certain impact on the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, and electrolytes in the body. Inhaling negative ions can reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, blood potassium, and increase urine output and the excretion of nitrogen, creatinine, and other substances in urine; At the same time, it can affect the enzyme system, activate multiple enzymes in the body, and promote metabolism in the body; It can also enhance the oxidation process of tissues such as the brain, liver, and kidneys, accelerate basic metabolism, and promote the growth and development of the body.

4. Circulating system
Air negative ions have a therapeutic effect on lowering blood pressure. They can improve heart function and myocardial malnutrition, increase the content of hemoglobin in the blood, lower blood sugar, increase pH, shorten coagulation time, and stimulate the hematopoietic function of the body. Some people in China have used air negative ions to treat simple peripheral leukopenia and leukopenia caused by radiation therapy, achieving certain therapeutic effects.

5. Treatment and healthcare

The treatment of respiratory diseases, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, etc. has certain therapeutic effects.

6. Immune system

Improve body function and enhance the body’s ability to resist diseases.

7. Air purification

It can effectively eliminate smoke and dust, eliminate air odors, and eliminate toxic gases generated during decoration to improve environmental pollution.

Negative oxygen ions in the air are known as “air vitamins and auxins”, just like vitamins in food, they have a very important impact on the life activities of the human body and other organisms. Negative ions are gas ions with negative charges in the air, known as “air vitamins”, and are an important indicator for evaluating the environment and air quality.

There are many diseases that are currently treated with air negative ions, which can be used to treat asthma and chronic bronchitis. After chemotherapy, white blood cells in cancer patients decrease, and after using negative ions, white blood cells are expected to increase. In addition to treating diseases, air negative ion generators can be used to clean the air, such as in mines, venues, cinemas, and theaters, which can keep the air fresh and prevent the spread of colds. In public places, if someone smokes, the smell of smoke disappears after using a negative ion generator. This is because negatively charged oxygen ions are prone to oxidation with organic compounds, thereby eliminating various unpleasant odors in the air.

Post time: Nov-29-2023