
Zeolite can be used for which industries

Natural zeolite and zeolite powder have three main characteristics: adsorption performance, ion exchange performance and catalytic performance. Colleagues also have thermal stability, acid resistance, chemical reactivity, far infrared radiation, reversible dehydration and other characteristics. Natural zeolite is processed below 300 mesh, then processed into high fineness zeolite powder, and then activated, modified, purified and produced zeolite molecular sieve series products. Zeolite powder is widely used in many fields, and has broad prospects and huge market profit space. Among them, zeolite powder is used in feed and concrete, and the national standard has been formulated.

Main uses:

1. As a catalyst in the field of petrochemical production. Catalytic and cracking agents for Petroleum (see Sinopec press, zeolite catalytic and separation technology for details).

2. Water purification, aquatic products and Ornamental Animal and plant breeding. Adsorption of ammonia nitrogen and toxic and harmful substances.

3. In the field of sewage treatment. Wastewater treatment, removal or recovery of heavy metal ions, softening of hard water.

4. In the field of medicine.

5. The field of soil environmental improvement. In addition to improving soil, maintaining fertilizer efficiency, fertilizer synergist.

6. The field of atmospheric environmental governance.

7. Rainwater collection and utilization. Permeable floor tile.

8. Crop production, livestock and poultry breeding. Feed additives.

9. River, lake and sea management. Potassium is extracted from seawater and desalinated.

10, improve indoor walls, air, drinking water, garbage disposal and other areas of the living environment – desiccant, adsorption separation agent, molecular sieve (for gas, liquid separation, essence and purification) deodorant.

11. Architecture. As a cement admixture, artificial lightweight aggregate is fired. Production of light-weight high-strength plate and light brick and light ceramic products, inorganic foaming agent, configuration of porous concrete, production of solid materials, building stone.

12. Paper and plastics. Paper filling agent, plastic, resin, coating filler.

13. Improve people’s clothing, smoking and even the environment of the digestive system.

14. 4A or 5A zeolite, sangshuaiyu low phosphorus or non phosphorus detergent, detergent additives.


Post time: Jan-18-2021